Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jessica Simpson ~ New Album Cover

Jessica Simpson has released the image that will appear on her upcoming country album, Do You Know, which is set for release on September 9th. What do you think of the cover? We think Jessica is GORGEOUS and we know that pout is her "signature look," but we think this would look so much better if she was smiling! Don't get us wrong, it still looks great...but it would be better to see her pearly whites!


Anonymous said...

Why is her hair so absolutely gorgeous? Really, I just want to know. I wish it was a wig but that girl is blessed with fabulous locks....I'm not gonna lie -I'm just jealous due to my recent self-inflicted hairtastrophe. Would someone PLEASE tell Ken Paves to come do some pro bono work on my hair????

Country Music Is Love said...

judy ~ I'll send Ken over when he gets done with mine! Yes, she absolutely has great hair!