Various media outlets are reporting that Pat was knocked out by the incident...not so, says Pat. He called in to a radio station on Monday to clear the air, telling them that he was a little less than happy, mumbled a few obscenities and left the stage. He did have a large cut which EMT's offered to stitch up, but he declined.
Well that whole incident just stinks...tossing a can on stage is one thing, but launching it at someones face, yeah not cool. And although the media seems to have twisted the story a bit, he's getting a lot of press from it and any publicity is good publicity, right?!
OMG are you SERIOUS! WOW....I'd hate to know I was the guy that hit Pat "effing" Green in the face with the beer!
Don't mess with Pat "effin" Green!! That was just wrong!
I was at the concert. The concert was awesome, and things were going great!
About half way through the concert, Pat simply said "I'm looking for a beer" (or something to that effect)
Someone tossed a beer to Pat, he caught it, flipped it over, and popped the top... As the suds overflowed the can, he lifted it in the air and the crowd cheered!
Then, some stupid $%#@ hurled a full can, smashing Pat in the forehead. It didn't knock him out, but he did stagger off stage. EMT's quickly ran to the back of the stage, and then security began ushering people from the concert area.
The concert was awesome Pat! I am very glad to hear that you were not seriously injured.
It is a shame and an embarresment to all loyal MIS fans to have idiots who can not conduct themselves in a responsible manner.
I would like to think police found, arrested, and pressed charges against the idiot, but from what I could see, that did not appear to be the case.
Oh wow...thank you for sharing your experience at the's nice to hear it from someone who was actually there. Pat puts on a great live's too bad that this happened!
Hi, I was at the Pat Green concert at the Iowa State fair the following night and right off the bat, Pat showed us what happened. An ugly wound it was! I can't believe Pat even came for the show! He HAD to be in PAIN! Avery nice audience member offered Pat a beer in a PLASTIC cup. Pat graciously accepted. What a GREAT SHOW! Come back to Iowa Pat! WE LOVE YA!!!
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