First of all...why do I have to be blinded by the sun during this video. Several times I had to look away because the light was so bright...surely, when making a music video, the goal isn't to have viewers look away! Then, they chose to tell the three different stories in the car with all of the characters sitting in a car...not the image we expected...and Jennifer and Kristian look great, but why are they singing and dancing on top of cars and what does that have to do with this song?
We don't know...we love Sugarland, love the song, love the director (Shaun Silva,) but the video doesn't do much for us.
On a side note...what kind of lip gloss is Jennifer Nettles wearing in this video??...I love it!! What do you guys think of the it...hate it?
I completely agree with your take on this video! I am a HUGE Sugarland fan and think they are so much better than this video. Also, Shaun Silva is such a talented director that the sun flares are not a mistake, even though they look that way. They are really distracting, but obviously there for a purpose. They do look better on a bigger screen that is not a computer - so there's that.
Also, I think it's MAC Nude with some shimmer gloss on top.
They needed to be standing on a freight train….LOL!!!
I have to say I disagree, I love the video.
Sure they could have laid off the bright flashes of light.
But the song, and the video go together in parts.
But let's be fair here, how many videos do we have an idea in our head about how it should go, and then the artist takes it in a completely different route?
More then I can count.
As for the gloss, I would have to agree, I think it's Lipglass by MAC.
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