Thursday, September 25, 2008

Taylor Swift Planning "Fearless" Re-release Already??

So, word has it that the reason Taylor Swift's upcoming album, Fearless only has 11 tracks is because she's already planning two separate re-releases of the album with two additional songs each time! We're not sure if this is legit, but that's what we heard. But now Nashville Gab posted this yesterday and it looks like Team Taylor might have thought better of that idea and quickly added 2 more songs to the original release. Hmmmm...

How do you guys feel about this? Wouldn't you rather just buy ONE CD and get all of the music??

*UPDATE* Taylor posted a blog on her MySpace confirming that Fearless will have 13 songs and that the last 2 were added recently. She also talks about how excited she is for her song "White Horse" to be featured in tonight's 2 hour season premiere of Grey's Anatomy!


Anonymous said...

Re-releasing a cd just equals more cd sales so that they can keep her on top of the charts longer and sell that whole "#1 album" line. Seems like a pretty fishy move if you ask me so I'm glad they decided against it! That's a lot of money to spend for an additional song.

Anonymous said...

that's why i stopped buying cd's