Thursday, July 24, 2008

OMG, What Is Going On?!

Did anyone catch the Ryan Seacrest radio show today? He said he's been getting flooded with calls and e-mails saying that Nicole Kidman's pregnancy was FAKE...they're claiming that Nicole and Keith hired a surrogate Mother and that they staged it to make everyone think Nicole was actually the one who was pregnant! First of all, how intrusive! Nicole & Keith's lives are their business and their business ONLY...whatever they choose to do is up to them! And second of all, sounds to us like people are jealous because Nicole looks SO GOOD for just giving birth 2-1/2 weeks ago. We can't even deal!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good lord...there are some people that actually only gain the baby's weight and one or two pounds she had a high risk pregnancy...GEEZ. People get off Nicole and Keith and get back to bashing alienfreakboy Tom Cruise...